Spring color
Our out-of-doors world is beautiful these days—green grass, blossoms, birds and even dandelions.
You know it’s Spring when you see dandelions!
Friday, April 1, 2022
NEWSBOY Contents
County pre-meeting brief
Presidential quote
County Government
WHAT: Board of Supervisors
WHEN: April 5 at 9 AM
WHERE: Broadcast live at https://www.youtube.com/MendocinoCountyVideo or 888-544-8306.
Supervisors by district
1st Glenn McGourty
2nd Maureen Mulheren
3rd John Haschak
4th Dan Gjerde
5th Ted Williams
District boundaries
There is a project underway to convert the old motel at the Ridgewood summit into 21 housing units–
Supervisors will consider denying an appeal and approving a use permit for the project on Tuesday.
The county previously granted a minor use permit for the project that was then challenged by citizen Joe Cooper.
The board considers:
Adopt Resolution Denying the Appeal and Modifying the Approval of Minor Use Permit U_2020-0004 for Approval of the Conversion of an Existing 30 Room Motel Into a 21 Unit Apartment Complex, Located at 16580 N Highway 101, Willits, and Adopt a Negative Declaration Related Thereto; —Mendocino County
Another item pertinent to Willits is a $4.5 million Department of Transportation project to do maintenance on Goose Road, Primrose Drive, Poppy Drive, Lilac Road and Daphne Way in the Brooktrails subdivision.
Roadwork will be funded through Senate Bill 1.
The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office is asking supervisors to approve future new-hire bonuses of $7,000 for people who put themselves through a police academy on their own dime and $20,000 to people transferring to MCSO from another police department.
An updated county tobacco ordinance will be introduced at this meeting.
It would expand a ban on flavored tobacco products to specifically include cigarettes, a report from the county stated.
Note that the City of Willits is waiting for this to be approved so that it can follow with a similar ordinance banning flavored tobacco.
Potential for a pilot program to combat garbage dumping will be heard by supervisors.
A copy of the presentation indicates that trash vouchers and volunteer support can help right the issue.
Supervisor Mulheren sponsored the item and it is recommended on the agenda that an ad-hoc committee is formed to work on the problem.
…create an Ad-Hoc to explore opportunities to support certain State program recipients with vouchers or other mechanisms to reduce cost of household trash disposal and review options to expand the Adopt-A-Road Program. –Mendocino County
Board Chair Williams has brought a proclamation forward in support of Ukraine.
Also up for approval, a pending $1,800 trip by Mulheren to attend a National Association of Counties conference in Denver.
Mendocino County Library receives $6,000 from the Library Services and Technology Act that can now be put towards:
Book-Themed Programming with Opportunities for Lifelong Learning. –Mendocino County
The library is also seeks $249,536 in grant money to remake the Willits Library roof with solar panels.
The Willits Branch of the Mendocino County Library's roof is in need of replacement. The new roof, alternative energy panels, and battery backup will support the community during emergencies such as fires and PSPS events which are regular occurrences in our community. –Grant Application
A pay raise is on the consent calendar for the hardworking people who care for the county jail population.
A resolution outlines the following:
Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Revision of the Hourly Rate of Cook from $18.23 - $22.15/Hour to $22.34 - $27.15/Hour; Laundry Coordinator from $19.85 - $24.12/Hour to $23.95 - $29.12/Hour and Food and Laundry Services Supervisor from $24.25 - $29.47/Hour to $28.36 - $34.47/Hour
Presidential quote
35th US President John F. Kennedy
January 20, 1961
Inaugural Address
Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.