Monday, November 28, 2022
Weather | This month’s high temperatures.
Tourism | Skunk Train goes big.
Quotation | A colorful business man with ties to old California.
Culture | Do you know what this means, gentle reader?
Weather | Toasty?
Nov. 1 to Nov. 28 HIGH temperature data.
Timberline Road at Middle Road: 70.7 F
Brooktrails Drive at Sherwood Road: 66.9 F
S Main at E San Francisco: 73 F
Valley Road at Davis Lane: 77.4 F
Ridgewood Road on Pine Mountain: Not Available
Previous Nov. LOW temperature data.
Timberline Road at Middle Road: 32.6 F
Brooktrails Drive at Sherwood Road: 27.3 F
S Main at E San Francisco: 24.4 F
Valley Road at Davis Lane: 18.1 F
Ridgewood Road on Pine Mountain: 28.8 F
(Data compiled from Willits-area online weather stations.)
Christmas on the Skunk line: World’s largest Christmas tree
There’s a 222-foot-tall redwood tree decked out with lights that you can ride the train to from Willits.
The holiday attraction is billed as the “world’s largest Christmas tree.”
You get to it by taking a trip west of Willits on the Skunk Train.
For more information about riding the Skunk, look here.
Historical quote | Henry Mieggs
I will lay tracks where llamas walk.
Henry Mieggs, from what you can read about him online, is one of the more colorful characters of old California and the early days of industrialization.
Meiggs got around, from the Mendocino coast to South America.
The Village of Mendocino was once Meiggsville, Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco was once Meiggs’ Wharf and the above quotation is attributed to Meiggs when he was building a railroad in Chile.
Name that phrase:
QUESTION: Who addressed their correspondence to readers with “GENTLE READER” at the beginning of an answer?

ANSWER: Columnist Judith Martin who in 1978 assumed the identity of “Miss Manners” for her column on, you guessed it, etiquette.